Media Bias

How the Columbia Journalism School Smeared Exxon
New York Post, March 1, 2016

Anti-Chemical Alarmism Spreads to Your School - Dora the Explorer Will Kill Your Kid!
, August 30, 2012

NGOs And Journalists: Uncomfortable With Complexity
Science 2.0, August 31, 2012

New York Times v HCA: What Happens When Ideology Trumps Ethics? You Get Sloppy Journalism
Forbes, August 16, 2012

Anti-fracking Journo Adds to List of Reporting Blunders on Shale,
New York Post, March 30, 2012

New York Times Reversal: Cornell University Research Undermines Hysteria Contention that Shale Gas is "Dirty",, March 2, 2012

More Questionable Reporting on the Dangers of Shale Gas
The American,  August 24, 2011

Toxic Alert: There’s a Killer, C8, Lurking in Your Kitchen, Says the Associated Press—Oops, Maybe Not!
STATS, August 1, 2011

Fracking Fracus:

Natural Gas "Bubble: Report: Market Tinkering or Ethically Shoddy Reporting?, July 1, 2011

Critic Says NYTimes' Gas Fracking Package Not up to Ethical Snuff
Knight Science Journalism Tracker, July 1, 2011

Times Newsroom Mounts Defense of Fracking Coverage NY Magazine, July 6, 2011

Clashing Views on the Future of Natural Gas
New York Times, Arthur Brisbane, July 16, 2011

NY Times Ombudsman Rebukes Own Paper for Reporting Lapses on Natural Gas, July 18, 2001

NY Times Public Editor: Shale Gas "Ponzi Scheme" Story Has Holes In It  Knight Science Journalism Tracker, July 18, 2011

Why Redacting E-Mails Is a Bad Idea
New York Times, Arthur Brisbane, July 31, 2011

NYT – Public Editor Scolds Editors and Reporters Again on that Big Fracking Story Knight Science Journalism Tracker, Charles Pettit, August 1, 2011

The Liar's Club
San Francisco Chronicle
, July 1, 2001

Leadership: The Feckless Defense of Fabulists
Chicago Tribune, June 27, 2001

No Spin Zone: The Story Behind Media Frenzies
The Ethical Edge, May/June 1999

Milwaukee Journal Faces Ethical Questions Over Award-Winning BPA Reporting
Huffington Post, April 29, 2011

Milwaukee’s Best No Longer
The American, April 29, 2011

When Science is Unfavorable, Attack the Scientist, April 29, 2011

Journalism, Ethics and Bisphenol A (quoting Jon)
Plastics News
, April 29, 2011

Huffington Post, Mil. J Sentinel: A columnist breaks rank on BPA dangers, gets tut-tutted across the news-opinion firewall (quoting Jon)
Knight Science Journalism Tracker, April 29, 2011

All Wrapped Up in Plastics? Sorry, the Evidence Isn’t There (citing Jon)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 29, 2011

Is BPA Satan’s Saliva, or Not? (quoting Jon)
WTMJ/Charlie Sykes, April 23, 2011

STATS calls BPA a 'journalistic controversy' (quoting Jon)
Plastics News
, April 19, 2011

The Odwalla Affair: Reassessing Corporate Social Responsibility at Work
At Work, January/February 1999

Business with a Soul: A Reexamination of what Counts in Business Ethics
(with Marianne Jennings) Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy, Winter 1998

Intoxicated by Success: How to Protect Your Company From Inevitable Corporate Screw-Ups
The Ethical Edge, September/October 1998

Food Fight The brouhaha over the new federal organic standards
Utne Reader, May/June 1998

Exploiting Idealism
The Ethical Edge, May/June 1998

Deregulation and Green Marketing: The Threat to Safe Energy
Dollars & Sense, September 9, 1997

Beware of "Green" Firms
Journal of the Society of Environmental Journalists, Fall 1997

Vivisecting the Anti-Vivisectionist Movement
Drug and Cosmetic Industry, January 1997

Blowing the Whistle on Meaningless Good Intentions
(with Martha Nichols)
Chicago Tribune, June 20, 1996

Handling a Critical Journalist What do you do when an investigative reporter calls?
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), Winter 1996

Commentary on Handling a Critical Journalist

Rain-forest Chic
The Globe and Mail "Report on Business (R.O.B.) Magazine", October 1995

Green Washing
Utne Reader, January/February 1995

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